Vocal Line consists of 32 singers divided into 8 voices.
The choir has existed since 1991 and is therefore able to unfold a pretty impressive family tree of talented singers. Since the beginning more than 200 singers have been part of Vocal Line!
To this day Vocal Line consists of a group of talented singers – with very different individual backgrounds. A big part of the singers are engaged in singing and music on a professional level. Apart from these, Vocal Line features several music conservatory students as well as musicology students.
Furthermore, the choir houses a number of singers for whom music is a great passion without necessarily making up for a profession. To mention a few: primary and high school teachers, university students and IT employees.
However, common for the singers is a dedication to singing in Vocal Line, a constant effort to maintain the choir’s lead position within the world of a cappella music, and the fact that they altogether form a small family. Vocal Line believes that the diversity of the singers strengthens the choir and contributes to the making of the ensemble’s unique and characteristic sound.
The choir has existed since 1991 and is therefore able to unfold a pretty impressive family tree of talented singers. Since the beginning more than 200 singers have been part of Vocal Line!
To this day Vocal Line consists of a group of talented singers – with very different individual backgrounds. A big part of the singers are engaged in singing and music on a professional level. Apart from these, Vocal Line features several music conservatory students as well as musicology students.
Furthermore, the choir houses a number of singers for whom music is a great passion without necessarily making up for a profession. To mention a few: primary and high school teachers, university students and IT employees.
However, common for the singers is a dedication to singing in Vocal Line, a constant effort to maintain the choir’s lead position within the world of a cappella music, and the fact that they altogether form a small family. Vocal Line believes that the diversity of the singers strengthens the choir and contributes to the making of the ensemble’s unique and characteristic sound.
In order to become a part of Vocal Line, singers must undergo an audition. The competition is tough, and only a few make it through the needle's eye. More than 200 singers have been part of Vocal Line through out the years.